The Consortium of Lancashire and Cumbria Local Medical Committees is a statutory representative body for GPs and their Practices. We are the professional voice for all GPs representing, advising and supporting GPs and practice managers through our wealth of experience and staff expertise.
The LMC is engaged in ongoing discussions and negotiations with the Area Team of NHSE on the development and interpretation of contractual issues and on major policies and strategies affecting general practice. The LMC actively supports individual GPs regarding their remuneration, helping deal with complaints, premises and partnership issues and any disputes between the GP and the Area Team or the ICB.
For more information on what we do, the history of LMCs, how we are funded and the services we offer - please see our LMC information pack.

What we do
LMCs work closely with the General Practitioners Committee of the British Medical Association (GPC BMA) which is the national body representing the interests of general practice, conducting national negotiations regarding GP contractual issues.
Whenever appropriate the LMCs will define and support the profession’s viewpoints where this reflects good medical practice and is in the best interest of patient care on all matters affecting the delivery of medical services.
The representative role of LMCs extends to all matters concerning GPs, whether as providers or commissioners of services and in their individual professional role.
Administration of the Contract
- Development of the GP contract both GMS and PMS
- Development of the enhanced services portfolio
- NHS complaints procedure and performance issues
- Statement of Financial Entitlement (SFE) and NHS Regulatory framework
- Quality and Outcomes Framework
- Impact of secondary care issues
Professional Issues
- Education / Training / CPD
- Appraisal / Revalidation
- Occupational health and sick doctor support
- Workforce issues
- Employment and practice staffing
- Promoting Good Medical Practice
As such the LMCs are engaged in ongoing discussions and negotiations with the Area Team of NHS England on the development and interpretation of contractual issues and on major policies and strategies affecting general practice. The LMCs actively support individual GPs regarding their remuneration, helping deal with complaints, premises and partnership issues and any disputes between the GP and the Area Team or ICB.