Being a locum can lead to feelings of isolation, so it is important that you remain connected in with others to maintain professionalism and for general wellbeing. The LMC offers the GP Support Scheme a confidential and independent counselling and mentor scheme for all GPs working in the area across the 5 LMCs. Alongside isolation you may struggle with work-related or personal stress which can lead to GPs experiencing problems such as burn-out or general unhappiness.
For more information visit our GP Support scheme page or contact Mariah Mulberry at the office 01772 863806.
To find ways to improve your mental health and wellbeing you can visit our wellbeing page.
The GP support scheme we offer is linked with NHS Practitioner Health Service.
Practitioner Health is a free, confidential NHS service for doctors across England with mental illness and addiction problems. The service can help with issues relating to a mental health concern, including stress or depression or an addiction problem, where these might affect work. To access this service email or call 0300 0303 300.
Sessional GP groups in Lancashire
The Lancashire and South Cumbria Sessional GP Group meet bi-monthly in Preston from 19:00 – 21:00. Guest speakers are often arranged followed by a business meeting covering issues relevant to Sessional GPs including appraisal and revalidation. All Sessional GPs are welcome. Please visit our Sessional GP get involved page for more information.
Support groups
Some of you have contacted the LMC regarding changes to working patterns that seem to have happened during the recent weeks in light of the pandemic.
To help you connect with other GPs you may want to join the following Facebook Groups:
You can also join the following Telegram group: Covid-19 for UK Health Professionals
(Telegram works similarly to WhatsApp - download the app and then search for the above group.)
RedWhale have a lot of useful free information on their website as do the BMJ.
The National Association for Sessional GPs (NASGP)
The National Association for Sessional GPs (NASGP) is the UK's only membership association dedicated to supporting sessional, salaried, and portfolio GPs and in recent years, other primary care clinicians. Founded by NHS clinicians for the NHS, it has spent over 25 years supporting, listening and engaging with sessional GPs and now has an audience of over 7,500 GPs, and 3,500 registered practices across the UK.
By working alongside national representative bodies, LMCs, commissioners and provider organisations (practices, PCNs, GP federations and urgent care), the NASGP ensures that sessional professionals are not just an afterthought in workforce planning but a core part of a sustainable NHS workforce model.
The NASGP runs LocumDeck, a digital workplace platform, connecting practices, provider organisations and NASGP members together. It wants to see an end to locum agencies by supporting the local flexible workforce to get together with local practices to work together.
Practices can join, browse and book locums on LocumDeck for free.
GPs can join the NASGP for free for three months, after which membership costs £12 a month.
NASGP membership includes all the benefits of free trial plus:
● Money and pensions resources
● Knowledge base resources
● Webinars, podcasts
● Instant Book
● Appraisal Aid
● Dedicated member services call
● Essential handbooks and guides
● Support toolkit
● Rates calculator
● Remote session booking enabled
● Discounts
● Testimonials
BMA Sessional GPs Subcommittee
The sessional GPs committee is part of the BMA's GPC (general practitioners committee). They provide national representation for all salaried and locum GPs.