Lancashire Pennine LMC covers the area of Blackburn with Darwen and East Lancashire. It takes in the large town of Blackburn, the market towns of Darwen and Burnley and the boroughs of Hyndburn, Rossendale, Pendle and Ribble Valley. 

The Committee represents all GPs within the constituency and currently has 13 members, including a non-Principal GP specifically to represent the views of sessional and locum doctors. The representation is divided into the localities as shown in the table below.

The Committee meets on the fourth Wednesday of every other month.

Lancashire Pennine

2025 Local Medical Committee Meetings

  • Wednesday 29th January 
  • Wednesday 26th March 
  • Wednesday 28th May 
  • Wednesday 30th July 
  • Wednesday 24th September
  • Wednesday 26th November 

The Officers of the committee are:

  • Chair: Dr Mike Doherty
  • Vice Chair: Dr Rakesh Sharma
  • Treasurer: Dr Milan Garg
  • Secretary & Executive Lead: Ross McDuff
  • LMC Support Officer: Rebecca Noblett

Your local representatives are:

Blackburn & DarwenDr P Mashar
Dr M Garg
Dr A Qureshi
Dr N Smith
Ribble ValleyDr M Wright
Dr M Doherty
HyndburnDr S Kowariwala
Dr A Bhat
Dr R Sharma
BurnleyDr G Dubey
Dr C Narayana
PendleDr P Shukla
Dr C Smith
RossendaleDr T Wade
Non-Principal DoctorDr A Dedat