The Lancashire & Cumbria Sessional GP Forum meet bi-monthly online via Teams 7pm and 9pm. 

We are a supportive group, giving you an opportunity to meet and link up with other Sessional’s, providing CPD, an open forum for sessional specific issues and a vehicle for sharing of relevant clinical and non-clinical information to sessional GPs via our meetings and email distribution list. 

As we are hosted by the LMC, we can easily raise specific issues or problems that exist for Sessional’s directly with them. They would pick these up and work on the resolution. They have been very supportive over the years. 

The first 60 minutes or so of the meetings is CPD with guest speakers, arranged by Rebecca from the LMC in discussion with myself, the Chair. We always try to respond to requests of Sessional GPs about what they would like to cover. 

We provide annual updates in Safeguarding, quality activities for appraisal and Basic Life Support. 

After the CPD session we have a short ‘business meeting’ covering issues relevant to Sessional GPs including appraisal and revalidation. 

The more active members we have the more we can be supportive and effective. 

All Sessional GPs based across Lancashire & Cumbria are welcome and we are always open to suggestions for topics and issues to discuss or address. 

If you wish to attend any of the meetings or be added to the distribution list, please contact Rebecca Noblett.

I look forward to seeing you at one of our next meetings!

Dr Suzanne Gaskell,

Chair of the Lancashire & Cumbria Forum of Sessional GPs

Sessional GPs and LMCs

LMCs are the statutory bodies that represent the interests of all GPs at a local level, and as membership organisations their strength lies in their ability to represent the entirety of the profession.

For sessional GPs, by not engaging with their local LMC, they are missing out on a range of support and opportunities. Sessional GPs also have a great deal to offer LMCs; they often have experience of working in many different practices and so can offer advice/opinion on issues that face many GPs across their area. They may work part time or hours different to practice hours, and/or because of a particular special interest may be best placed to attend meetings on behalf of the LMC.

For more information on Sessional GPs and LMCs guidance visit the BMA page

LMC Representatives

Many local and national issues have particular relevance to sessional and locum GPs. If you have a burning issue you would like to investigate or discuss, please consider coming to one of our LMC meetings as an observer. If you would like to become an LMC Committee member elections are held every two years under the terms of the LMC constitution, and all GPs are eligible for nomination and election. Please send your details to the office should you wish to be considered for election. To see who your LMC representatives are please see the following page: