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General Practice Alert State (GPAS) SITREP

GPAS SITREP published every Friday afternoon. Oct 18th 2024 Read More

Brieflets - September 2024

Have a look through our Brieflets for September Sep 25th 2024 Read More

Brieflets - July 2024

Have a look through our Brieflets for July Jul 30th 2024 Read More

Brieflets - June 2024

Have a look through our Brieflets for June Jun 25th 2024 Read More

Brieflets - May 2024

Have a look through our Brieflets for May May 14th 2024 Read More
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2024-25 GP Contract Referendum - Webinars

2024-25 GP Contract Referendum – England Join the BMA GPC webinars to find out more Mar 6th 2024 Read More