This page is dedicated to help support your practice in communicating with your patients.
Below you will find various resources which you can print as posters, use on your website or circulate via your social media channels.
Public Health England also have a library of resources available in different languages for Primary Care to use.
For information regarding Social Media and Website comments, please see our dedicating page here.
Do you need to see your GP?
You can use the below videos to share with your patients via Social Media and/ or in your Practice waiting rooms.
If there are other videos you would like us to create please let us know.
Time is running out to save General Practice!
Please see the below video which helps people understand the financial distress GP practices are under. Please share widely to create awareness and start conversations about how we save General Practice.
If there are other videos you would like us to create please let us know.
General Practice Infographics
For General Practice Infographics and Posters, specifically around appointment data and tips, see our dedicated page here. These infographics raise patient awareness on the current state of General Practice and how practices are operating.
Rebuild General Practice
General practice is in crisis. Patient safety is at risk. GPs from across England, Scotland, and Wales are raising the alarm. We must Rebuild General Practice. Please support the campaign created with GPs for GPs. This campaign is funded by the British Medical Association and GPDF on behalf of the General Practice community.
Follow #RebuildGP, Twitter @RebuildGP
The Rebuild General Practice team have launched a patient engagement toolkit – a collection of materials that will help GPs to convey the crisis in general practice to their patients.
Find all the materials here:
- Ask your patients and/or friends to join Rebuild General Practice in calling on government to fix the crisis, using the templates in the toolkit (MP letter, social posts, etc.)
- Display the patient engagement animation on the screens in your surgery to show patients the reality of the crisis and let them know how they can help
- Share social media thread – and post your own: Rebuild General Practice - GP social media posts - Google Docs
- Encourage GPs and colleagues in general practice to do the same by sharing materials with them.
Rebuild General Practice is all about unity. That’s unity within the profession, unity within the NHS, and, crucially, unity with the wider public.
GPs and patients want the same thing – to give and receive the best care. No longer will we let the media and government pit us against each other.
Access to General Practice
GP surgeries have changed their ways of working due to a number of reasons. Use the below posters to explain why practices continue to work differently and how patients can access care.
For more posters on access including translations and braille see here.

Private GP poster - Thinking about seeing a private GP?
The LMC has created the below poster which you can share with your patients.
You can find a private GP template response letter and other templates for managing inappropriate workload on the following link.

Hospital Expedite Posters - Can my GP ask the hospital to see me quicker?
The LMC has created the following posters you can use to share with your patients regarding expedite letters. We have confirmed the local processes with the Trusts.
- Blackpool poster
- Lancashire Teaching Hospital Poster
- West Lancs - Alder Hey Hospital Poster
- East Lancashire poster coming soon
- Mersey and West Lancs poster coming soon
- Morecambe Bay poster coming soon
- North Cumbria poster coming soon

Lancashire & Cumbria General Practice Response to the Secretary of State for Health & Social Care Thérèse Coffey’s Statement around GP Access – September 2022 (link includes separate poster for Cumbria)

111 - Help us to help you
For more resources see here.
Just think 111 first poster Just think 111 first poster Just think 111 first poster

COVID-19 - Infection Control Messages
The IPC guidance remains in place for all staff and patients in GP practices and pharmacies to ensure that everyone is protected. Please continue to encourage patients to wear a face covering to keep staff and other patients safe.

Abuse & Respecting Primary Care staff
For more materials please see here.
Understaffed, under pressure & under attack Thank you for treating us with respect Be Kind

The LMC delivers conflict management training which is suitable for all clinical and non-clinical staff. Training covers the legal aspects of managing aggressive patients, understanding conflict and de-escalating conflict.
For more information please get in touch.
Lancashire & South Cumbria patient media campaign
The LMC worked with the ICS to raise awareness to patients of the immense pressure GPs and their staff are under, highlighting how practices have changed their way of working and how abuse is not tolerated.
See the 5 posters to be used as part of the media campaign for patients here.
Other resources
The LMC created a 'crib sheet' to help practices manage queries from patients regarding COVID-19 Vaccinations which can be found here.